On Cinco de Mayo, millions of Snapchat users willingly turned their selfies into an ad for Taco Bell. The app’s augmented-reality camera filter, known on the service as a Lens, let them see their heads in the shape of a giant, wobbling hardshell taco, with lettuce and tomato poking out and the fast-food chain’s logo in the corner of the shot. In the one day it was available, the filter racked up about 224 million views.
On Cinco de Mayo, millions of Snapchat users willingly turned their selfies into an ad for Taco Bell. The app’s augmented-reality camera filter, known on the service as a Lens, let them see their heads in the shape of a giant, wobbling hardshell taco, with lettuce and tomato poking out and the fast-food chain’s logo in the corner of the shot. In the one day it was available, the filter racked up about 224 million views.