Nintendo's first-ever Super Bowl ad is for the Switch, of course

When you consider the fact that Nintendo and its mustachioed mascot are household names, it’s a bit strange to realize the company has never run an advertisement during the Super Bowl. That’s about to change. A new video on the company’s YouTube channel touts itself as the extended cut of the company’s first-ever Super Bowl ad. The commercial highlights the portable and home console modes of the Nintendo Switch to an intense soundtrack — but this is more than your average peek at the company’s next game console. It’s a five million dollar investment toward the Nintendo Switch’s success.

When you consider the fact that Nintendo and its mustachioed mascot are household names, it’s a bit strange to realize the company has never run an advertisement during the Super Bowl. That’s about to change. A new video on the company’s YouTube channel touts itself as the extended cut of the company’s first-ever Super Bowl ad. The commercial highlights the portable and home console modes of the Nintendo Switch to an intense soundtrack — but this is more than your average peek at the company’s next game console. It’s a five million dollar investment toward the Nintendo Switch’s success.